Midnight Synopsis
The picture above was made by me.
The BBC have now released the synopsis for the tenth episode of Doctor Who Series 4, Midnight. In this episode The Doctor and Donna will go to the planet Midnight. Lesley Sharpe will play the character Sky Silvestry in this episode. Here is the synopsis;
The Doctor is trapped, alone, powerless and terrified, on the planet Midnight, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. Soon, the knocking on the wall begins. Only a woman called Sky seems to know the truth – but as paranoia turns into a witch-hunt, Sky turns the Doctor's greatest strengths against him, and a sacrifice must be made...
Midnight is written by Russell T Davies and will air on the 14th June on BBC One. What do you think of the synopsis? Please leave your comments. Thanks!
~ Zobles