A new trailer which has been specially shot to promote the fourth series of The Sarah Jane Adventures has been released and can be seen below.


Underground Toys has announced that the yellow Eternal Dalek figure will get an exclusive release in Hastings stores in America. It is likely this figure will get a UK release soon after. Pictures and press release below.

Press Release

Underground Toys is pleased to announce an extensive in-store promotion at Hastings Entertainment for Doctor Who merchandise starting in October and running through the Holidays. This exciting campaign, in association with BBC Worldwide, will feature a 6 x 4 ft display unit which brings together key merchandise from the show alongside other retail activity. In addition, Hastings will be selling an exclusive Yellow Dalek Action Figure, only available at Hastings in North America. Earlier this year, Doctor Who delivered BBC AMERICA record ratings and reached the top spot on the iTunes TV chart.

To see this great Doctor Who promotion, you can visit your local Hastings store or shop online at

What do you think of this figure? Comment below!


Press Release

This week's issue comes with a bumper pack of goodies! Not only will you get an amazing Doctor Who book, you'll also get a surprise extra gift!

Inside, we reveal your favourite story from Series 5 and the winner of the Golden Fez. We challenge you to design a funky new bow tie for the Doctor that will appear in a future comic strip. We get behind-the-scenes secrets from the Doctor Who stunt co-ordinator, Crispin Layfield. And we've some Cyberman silliness on our jokes page. The CyberKing has informed us that you will laugh or be deleted!

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 154, is out now (23 September)


Nigel Planer appeared on The Michael Ball Show earlier today to talk about Doctor Who Live, in which he will play a character called Vorgenson.


The Sarah Jane Adventures broadcasting schedule has been announced. The first story will begin on Monday October 11th on CBBC, with part 2 shown on Tuesday the 12th on CBBC. The BBC One showings will be on Thursdays and Fridays. In other news, the new issue of DWM reveals new story teasers:

Episodes 01 & 02 - The Nightmare Man

  • 'It's a huge, life changing story for Luke. It's a pivotal time of his life and he starts to dream in a way he's never dreamed before.'
  • 'Luke starts having some pretty scary nightmares. Luke's not fully human even though his brain is, and he's always been an outsider who has been a bit non-plussed by the world'
  • 'It's about a creature called the Nightmare Man. He lives in our dreams and feeds on them. And he's hungry.'

Episodes 03 & 04 - The Vault of Secrets

  • 'Sarah Jane and the gang become reacquainted with Andravax'
  • 'Gita has not forgotten what she saw in Prisoner of the Judoon.' 'Keen to share her experiences, Gita attends a meeting of the British UFO Research and Paranormal Studies Society (BURPSS) led by Ocean Waters, a lady who has previously had her own alien encounters.'
  • 'Also appearing for the first time in the Sarah Jane Adventures are the Men in Black lead by Mr Dread'

Episodes 05 & 06 - Death of the Doctor

  • 'Phil Ford was originally meant to write this story - then CBBC commissioned the first half of Series 5 to be shot at the same time as Series 4.'
  • 'We meet the Groske who are completely different to the Graske.'
  • 'We have a new UNIT colonel, Colonel Karim and it takes place in a secret UNIT base under Mount Snowden.'

Episodes 07 & 08 - The Empty Planet

  • 'Its a normal day for Clyde and Rani. Until they realise they are the only people on the Earth.'
  • 'This is going to be one of the most memorable episodes of Sarah Jane. It's for all the 6 year olds who've never seen 28 Days Later and The Omega Man.'
  • 'As the Story unfolds, it transpires that Clyde and Rani are not quite alone and they soon encounter some formidable robotic adversarys.'
  • 'This scrip gave the crew two big challenges - Robots and an empty planet. I saw the rushes and my jaw dropped.'

Episodes 09 & 10 - Lost in Time

  • 'It's an old-fashioned historical sci-fi adventure with a Sarah Jane Adventures twist.'
  • 'Something's messing up the course of history and our gang have to go back to three different points in time to put it right. Theres a spooky antiques shop. And an even spookier antiques shopkeeper. Oh, and a Parrot.'
  • 'This is an unusual story as there are three stories in one'
  • 'Sarah Jane ends up in an empty Victorian house, Rani ends up in the Tower of London and Cylde ends up in 1941 on the beaches of Southern England where a Nazi invasion is taking place.'
  • 'The great result though is that we have three -or maybe four - cliffhangers to end Part One. Now thats value for money!'

Episodes 11 & 12 - Goodbye Sarah Jane

  • 'The Series comes to a dramatic climax when Sarah Jane finds an unexpected ally when it comes to saving the world. Ruby White, alien investigator, moves in around the corner from Sarah Jane. After all, Ealing is is a hotbed of Strange activity.'
  • 'as well as being a good romp, there are some quite serious elements .'
  • 'Its about Sarah Jane aging and the insecurity that can come as you get older.'
  • 'We've got a spaceship. We venture up to the stars. The whole world is in peril and we see a brand new team come together to fight it.'

Thanks to forum user SillyTilly for this info!



A bunch of new promotional stills and behind the scenes images from the first story of SJA series 4, The Nightmare Man, have been revealed, and they can all be seen in this post. SJA begins next month on BBC One.


Image hosting by IMGBoot.comImage hosting by
Image hosting by IMGBoot.comImage hosting by


The Doctor Who Live Twitter has revealed the character of Vorgenson, check it out below. You can follow Doctor Who Live on Twitter here, and follow us here. Doctor Who Live begins touring UK arenas next month.


Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Matt Smith were spotted filming for Doctor Who series 6 in Bristol yesterday. Check out some photos below.

Thanks to Matt Booker for the photo.


The Doctor Who Live Twitter account has just unveiled the set for the arena tour which starts next month, including scenes filmed by Matt Smith. The set looks very impressive, check it out for yourself below.

What do you think of the set for Doctor Who Live? Comment below!


After the popular success of the Doctor Who Adventure Games with millions of people downloading them, the BBC have commissioned another series of games to be released during the run of series 6 next year.

Head of multiplatform Simon Nelson said: "Given the success of the first series, we'd be daft not to recommission, but it's not just about the numbers; the feedback we've had has been overwhelmingly positive. Our audience has been introduced to a new form of drama - and, for many, these have been the first computer games they have downloaded. We've set new standards in audience participation - and we think we've really helped push the concept of families actively playing together. I can't wait to see what the team does next.”

BBC Wales Interactive executive producer Anwen Aspen said: "The audience reaction to the first series has been incredible, but we want to outdo the first series in every way. We want to take players on journeys which will bring the show to life like never before, and once again offer outstanding interactive drama to fans of all ages."

The fourth and final installment of the current run of Adventure Games is yet to be released, but we will keep you updated when news is available.