Doctor SJA

The new issue of Doctor Who Magazine, on sale tomorrow, reveals the episode titles for every story of The Sarah Jane Adventures series four, airing this Autumn! The titles of all six stories and some extra details are below!

4.1/4.2: The Nightmare Man

Written by Joseph Lidster
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Julian Bleach as the Nightmare Man (also played Davros in Doctor Who and the Ghost Maker in Torchwood)

4.3/4.4: The Vault of Secrets

Written by Phil Ford
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Cheryl Campbell as Ocean Waters

4.5/4.6: Death of the Doctor
Written by Russell T Davies
Directed by Ashley Way
Guest starring Matt Smith as the Doctor and Katy Manning as former Third Doctor companion Jo Grant

4.7/4.8: The Empty Planet
Written by Gareth Roberts
Directed by Ashley Way
Guest starring Joe Mason as Gavin

4.9/4.10: Lost in Time
Written by Rupert Laight
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Cyril Nri as the Mysterious Shopkeeper

4.11/4.12: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith
Written by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman
Directed by Joss Agnew
Guest starring Julie Graham as Ruby White

What do you think of these titles? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

(Image above created by Tardis Base)