06 May, 2009 by Conor
Doctor Who
The ninth issue of the Doctor Who DVD and Magazine collection "The Doctor Who DVD Files" was released in all good newsagents across the UK and Ireland today. This issue of the magazine comes with your next DVD which features the series 2 episodes "School Reunion" and " The Girl in the Fireplace". Inside the issue you can read about the SS Madame De Pompadour ship, the Cybershades, K9, the 2nd Doctor's battles against the Yeti and Ice Warriors, plus the magazine also includes behind on the scenes on how actors get roles in Doctor Who and features episode guides for "School Reunion" and "The Girl in the Fireplace", and much more. This issue is on sale now at the RRP of £6.99 and issue 10 will be released in 2 weeks time, and it will come with your next DVD which features the series 2 episodes "Rise of the Cybermen", and "The Age of Steel". You can visit the magazines official website here.